not Everyday reflection & Happiness
Everyday if we could ask ourself the following questions: - How did the day go? - What success did I experience? - What challenges did I endure? - Who did I interact with? Anyone I need to update, to thank, to ask question with, to share with? - What do I plan to do? .........I believe things will change with small thoughtful savings.
Thursday, June 7, 2012
After Aiweiwei.....I enjoy thinking too much
Monday, April 23, 2012
Change bad habit, how?
1. 做事拖拉,不遵守时间;
2. 睡觉太晚;
3. 做事情虎头蛇尾;
4. 做事情很容易被打搅。
1. 做事拖拉,不遵守时间;4. 做事情易被打搅
2. 睡觉太晚;
3. 做事情虎头蛇尾;
写下我想要做的事情,以及原因, 意义;
查尔斯•杜希格(Charles Duhigg)可能已经找到了改变人生的金钥匙。
杜希格是《纽约时报》(New York Times)的一名记者,他花了三年时间采访研究人员、营销专家和神经科学家,以期更好地了解大脑的运作机理以及如何将相关知识运用于我们的日常生活。
他在自己的新书《习惯的力量》(The Power of Habit)中发布了研究的成果。
这本书开头讲述了“莉萨•艾伦”(Lisa Allen)的故事,莉萨•艾伦是一位年轻女士,她战胜了自己的坏习惯。一开始,她超重、酗酒、吸烟,背负着债务,也没有工作,她的丈夫也刚刚离她而去。而几年之后,她成功瘦身,不再酗酒吸烟,有了工作和收入,生活走上正轨。她去跑马拉松,买了房子,订了婚,并开始念硕士学位。
杜希格称,麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)的研究人员认为,所有习惯都可以分解为三个步骤:提示、习惯(他将其称为“惯例”)和奖赏。
1. 找出坏习惯。
2. 找出习惯的奖赏。
3. 找出提示。
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
It is really strange...
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Listening = understanding?
Every time as I read articles with titles such as "listening is an art", I close it up with a confident thought that "I am good at listening". Until recently, I met two friends who allow me to reconsider my way to listen to people. One is accepted by everybody that is good at listening; the other one criticized often that I am a poor listener. Thanks to the appearance of both of them at the same time, I started to look back at myself and think how to improve.
So normally when I communicate with people, I noticed, that while they speak to me, instead of processing and analysing their information, I am always quite anxious thinking should I respond. What should I reply to be less embarrassed, or to be impressive. It is cool to generate more and more topics and sometimes creative links, however, while meeting more and more new friends, it becomes if I am repeating my CV every time when applying a job. When I pay attention to my friend who is good at listening, I can feel that she is following the thought of the speaker. While she responses, she thinks on behalf of the speaker. Or in another word, put herself in the shoe of the others. In this way, the speaker is encouraged to talk more, and more useful information will be obtained.
Understanding the people is 100 times more important than exchanging superficial information. Because the communication on ideas/minds are more valuable than judgements.
To think further (thoughts are like networks, they are always interconnected :)), I used to be afraid of making new friends, talking with unknown people, perhaps I cared more how people will think of me instead of to really understand them. If I can be better at listening to people, bring them laughter and positive feedback, I think I should never have difficulties in making friends.
Think even more....I do noticed, that a lot of Chinese students I met abroad, we are lack of a good sense of humour. I don't want to generalize people, but when I was brought up, our parents, teacher, hardly tell us how important it is to have fun, to amuse people and being amused. As I remembered from high school, it is always about "achieving a successful career", "making your mother school feel proud of you","be a fundamental pillar of your country", but nobody told me how to enjoy my life, how to have fun. I guess this is the main value differences inter-cultural, which always makes me want to live abroad.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Few thoughts
Since i came to the netherlands, i have always been thinking the differences between the “foreign“ culture and chinese culture. From my part time work, my studies and many interesting or nonsense talks with friends...the most distinctive differences would be “stand up for my rights“.
Last week I went with fancy nancy to shoe shop. In front of a same pair of cute heels which do not match any of our size, we made rather different decision. She bought the shoe and determine to return them if she doesnt feel comfortble after a week. I decided just not to buy them, because i feel hard to ask for return. Today also my dutch friend tells me while he works with chinese engineers in china, he founds them always cannot make decisions. Insdead, they prefer to obey what the leader says. Same as few days ago when i attend a dutch culture lecture, more than half of the time was devoted on the assertiveness of dutch people. One important message is it is your own right to defend/present your opion, also to agree/disagree with other people.
From this point of view, i was weak. Sometimes i dont really pay attention of what rights do i have. Of course i lose the chance to self defense. Partly because i come from a shy family, also i guess the chinese are confused with their rights by the communist party. You dont really know what is your rights, and how to use them. But here at least in nl, you need to stand up for rights for everything, like a part of everyday life. Comprise is sad, unless it aims a winwin situation. Respections based on rights.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
也许最近接触了很多各异的人,让我对自己曾经的价值观有很多反思。在很久以前(至少是两年以前),我对成功的人的理解就是有钱人,有车子房子和睦的家庭。可是现在再回头看,觉得那时候的自己很幼稚。成功是一个很模糊的词,就像是飘浮在海面上的浮标一样,有些人看它深,有些人看它浅,时刻都在随水位变化,观察的角度不同,对成功的理解也不一样。在我看来,只要一个人达到了一个他想要的目标,就是成功的。不管这件事多么渺小和卑微。我们也没有权利带着各种“标准”去衡量他的努力。有这样一个朋友,27岁之前,常常是一边在酒吧打工,一边做志愿者帮助从(尤其是)非洲国家逃难的难民,教他们语言。在那里遇到她现在的丈夫,从塞内加尔逃难过来。28岁她申请读大学,学习“和平”(peace studies),又去塞内加尔待了两年。现在大学毕业了,照旧是一边在冰淇淋店做侍者,一边做志愿者。上大学,只是为了增长知识,为了了解自己真正感兴趣的事情。每次和她聊天,我都能从她的眼神看出来,她每一天过得很快乐和坦然。
我曾经提醒过一个开小商店的朋友-- 每天不停的工作15个小时,还要应付小偷,警察(类似于城管的),和来要保护费的人--我劝他去读大学,找一份”正式”的工作。短信写了一堆,人家就会了一条:“我过的很开心。” 我觉得我很傻,凭什么要把自己认为正确的事情强加到别人身上。我本科毕业的时候,还不是一样不知道自己怎么稀里糊涂的就读了一个专业。如果能在选一次,我宁愿不去上大学,先做一些实际的工作,然后看自己需要什么,再去学什么。
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Buzz - Way to free mind
People are too busy using time today on their daily job: submit reports to their boss, making judgement over other people's clothing & habits, and spending time read newsletters/advertisements,etc, that we hardly have time to sit quietly and set our mind free from such constant actions/conversions. Sometimes we end up with giving priorities to a seemingly short-term benefits, but no added value in long-terms. I am also stuffed with practices and exceptions everyday without give the mind a break -- just to stay in a state that not to bother about anything yet accept everything.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
some notes for public relation plan
Audience | Description |
Potential donor | With the profile of microfinance or renewable energy, ethic-minded |
Conventional Media | Newspaper, press release. |
Online Media | Facebook, twitter, blog; in field of development |
Potential loan beneficiaries | Low-middle income, with micro-business, preferable female. |
Activities | Description | Budget |
Earth day campaign | A warm-up campaign for the formal luncheon, gather media’s attention | Preferable less than 50 Euro |
Formal Luncheon | Including a formal presentation about the program and a word from CEO and a Chair/member of its board. The invitees would be potential stakeholders of donnors (existing and potential future donnors), other big NGOs working in Micro finance, Private sector companies interested in clean energy. Once a year. | About 1000 Euro * |
Annual report | Report to donors: include research studies and evaluation of the project. Once a year. | About 500 Euro for 50 copies. *Printing Costs – 6 Euro plus 0.01 Euro/ page |
Online media update &follow-up | Facebook, twitter, newsletter. Monthly update. | 0 |
On site campaign in SL | To attract potential loan beneficiaries, and create positive image of the project. Activities could be community meeting, entrepreneurship training, financial advice, dancing night, etc. Preferable 3 times a year. | 200 Euro. *Food, transportation, accommodation and drinking money for community leader. |
Formal orientation in SL | Keep good relationship with local government, chiefdom, NGOs and religious leader. Once a year. | 500 Euro. *Food, transportation, accommodation, and presentation material. |
Step 5: Scheduling